That's njpatel's Affinity, which hasn't been worked on in a while until the past month or so. Here are some things that I got done on it:
- a right-click context menu,
- an about dialog,
- a recent searches / clear current search button,
- the option to only hide the window when forced,
- the option to have the buttons draw as normal Gtk buttons,
- the option to get the colors from Gtk,
- the option to draw borders and a gradient around the frames,
- automatic refresh of colors when changed,
- and, most notably, plugins!
- Also a "Run" plugin, like Alt-F2.
bzr co lp:affinity
cd affinity
sudo make install
I'd love to say more, but I have to go hand out candy to ghosts and goblins in costumes, and I can't think of much else to say. :)